127Technical Notes / Caring for the CameraCaring for the Camera and Battery: CautionsDo not drop: The product may malfunction if subjected tostrong shocks or vibration.Keep dry: This product is not waterproof, and may malfunc-tion if immersed in water or exposed to high levels of hu-midity. Rusting of the internal mechanism can cause irrepa-rable damage.Avoid sudden changes in temperature: Sudden changes in tem-perature, such as occur when entering or leaving a heatedbuilding on a cold day, can cause condensation inside thedevice. To prevent condensation, place the device in a carry-ing case or plastic bag before exposing it to sudden changesin temperature.Keep away from strong magnetic fields: Do not use or store thisdevice in the vicinity of equipment that generates strongelectromagnetic radiation or magnetic fields. Strong staticcharges or the magnetic fields produced by equipmentsuch as radio transmitters could interfere with the moni-tor, damage data stored on the memory card, or affect theproduct’s internal circuitry.Do not leave the lens pointed at the sun: Do not leave the lenspointed at the sun or other strong light source for an ex-tended period. Intense light may cause the image sensor todeteriorate or produce a white blur effect in photographs.Blooming: Vertical white streaks may appear in photographsof the sun or other strong light sources. This phenomenon,known as “blooming,” can be prevented by reducing theamount of light that falls on the image sensor, either bychoosing a slow shutter speed and small aperture or by us-ing an ND fi lter.Do not touch the shutter curtain: The shutter curtain is extremelythin and easily damaged. Under no circumstances shouldyou exert pressure on the curtain, poke it with cleaningtools, or subject it to powerful air currents from a blower.These actions could scratch, deform, or tear the curtain.Handle all moving parts with care: Do not apply force to the bat-tery-chamber, card-slot, or connector covers. These partsare especially susceptible to damage.Turn the product off before removing or disconnecting the powersource: Do not unplug the product or remove the batterywhile the product is on or while images are being recordedor deleted. Forcibly cutting power in these circumstancescould result in loss of data or in damage to product memoryor internal circuitry. To prevent an accidental interruptionof power, avoid carrying the product from one location toanother while the AC adapter is connected.Lens contacts: Keep the lens contacts clean.Cleaning: When cleaning the camera body, use a blower togently remove dust and lint, then wipe gently with a soft, drycloth. After using the camera at the beach or seaside, wipeoff any sand or salt using a cloth lightly dampened in purewater and then dry the camera thoroughly. In rare instances,static electricity may cause the LCD displays to light up or godark. This does not indicate a malfunction, and the displaywill soon return to normal.The lens and mirror are easily damaged. Dust and lint shouldbe gently removed with a blower. When using an aerosolblower, keep the can vertical to prevent discharge of liquid.To remove fingerprints and other stains from the lens, applya small amount of lens cleaner to a soft cloth and wipe thelens carefully.See “ The Low-Pass Filter” ( 125) for information on clean-ing the low-pass filter.Storage: To prevent mold or mildew, store the camera in a dry,well-ventilated area. If the product will not be used for anextended period, remove the battery to prevent leakage andstore the camera in a plastic bag containing a desiccant. Donot, however, store the camera case in a plastic bag, as thismay cause the material to deteriorate. Note that desiccantgradually loses its capacity to absorb moisture and shouldbe replaced at regular intervals.To prevent mold or mildew, take the camera out of storageat least once a month. Turn the camera on and release theshutter a few times before putting it away.Store the battery in a cool, dry place. Replace the terminalcover before putting the battery away.Notes on the monitor: The monitor may contain a few pixelsthat are always lit or that do not light. This is common to allTFT LCD monitors and does not indicate a malfunction. Im-ages recorded with the product are unaffected.Images in the monitor may be difficult to see in a brightlight.Do not apply pressure to the monitor, as this could causedamage or malfunction. Dust or lint on the monitor can beremoved with a blower. Stains can be removed by wipinglightly with a soft cloth or chamois leather. Should the moni-tor break, care should be taken to avoid injury from brokenglass and to prevent liquid crystal from the monitor touch-ing the skin or entering the eyes and mouth.Replace the monitor cover when transporting the camera orleaving it unattended.