209t5 Start shooting.Highlight On and press J(to return to the shootingmenu without startingtime-lapse photography,highlight Off and press J).Time-lapse photography starts after 3 s. The camera takesphotographs at the interval selected in Step 3 for the timeselected in Step 4. The memory card access lamp lights whileeach shot is recorded; note that because shutter speed andthe time needed to record the image to the memory card mayvary from shot to shot, the interval between a shot beingrecorded and the start of the next shot may vary. Shootingwill not begin if a time-lapse movie can not be recorded atcurrent settings (for example, if the memory card is full, theinterval or shooting time is zero, or the interval is longer thanthe shooting time).When complete, time-lapse movies are recorded to thememory card selected for Movie settings > Destination(0 70).D Time-Lapse PhotographyTime-lapse is not available in live view (0 45, 59), at a shutter speed ofA (0 124), when bracketing (0 132), High Dynamic Range (HDR,0 176), multiple exposure (0 195), or interval timer photography(0 201) is active.A Release ModeRegardless of the release mode selected, the camera will take one shotat each interval. The self-timer can not be used.J button