101100Troubleshooting —continuedLCD panel ViewfinderE blinks when E blinks whenexposure meter exposure meteris turned on is turned on— / blinksHI appears HI appearsLo appears Lo appears— Electronicanalog exposuredisplay blinksCause• Film remains in thecamera after filmrewind is complete.• Autofocus is notpossible.• Overexposure warning(subject is too bright).• Underexposurewarning (subject is toodark).• Subject brightness isbeyond camera’sexposure range.Page334551-5755575351, 36555759Remedy• Remove the filmcartridge.• Focus manually.• In a, Vari-Program or Pmode, use ND filter.• In S mode, select fastershutter speed.• In A mode, select smalleraperture (larger f-number).(If the warning indicationremains after performingabove remedies in S or Amode, use ND filter aswell.)• In P mode, use flash.• In a or Vari-Program,cancel the Flash Canceland use flash.• In S mode, select slowershutter speed.• In A mode, select largeraperture (smaller f-number).(If the warning indicationremains after performingabove remedies in S or Amode, use flash as well.)• When the subject is bright,use ND filter and when thesubject is dark, use flash.The electronic analogexposure display remainsblinking when theSpeedlight is used.LCD panel Viewfinder-- blinks -- blinksShutter speed 90 appearsindication blinks— fi blinks— fi blinksfor 3 sec.after flashErr blinks Err blinksCause• Shutter speed is set to-- (Time) in S mode.• Auto ExposureBracketing is set duringLong Time exposure• Shutter speed fasterthan sync speed isselected in S or Mmode.• Subject is too darkand flash isrecommended in P,S, A or M mode.• Flash has fired at fulloutput andunderexposure mayhave occurred.• Malfunction detected.Page54, 6060, 6380,8353, 55,57, 59,76, 8077, 84Remedy• Cancel the -- byselecting 30 sec. orfaster shutter speed, orselect M mode toperform Long TimeExposure.• Select shutter speedother than -- to cancelLong Time exposure, orcancel Auto ExposureBracketing• Simply release theshutter to take a flashpicture. (Shutter speedautomatically shifts to1/90 sec.)• Use Speedlight.• Shoot again afterconfirming focusdistance, aperture orflash shooting distancerange.• Release shutter again.If the warningindication remains, orthis warning appearsfrequently, contactauthorised Nikon dealeror service centre.In certain cases, due to static electricity, the F65/F65D’s microcomputer mayturn the camera off, even with fresh, properly installed batteries. For the samereason, the film may not advance properly. In each of these cases, to resumeoperation, simply turn the power off, then turn it on again. Or, remove andreinstall the batteries.MISCELLANEOUSF65 (E) 02.12.27 5:43 PM Page 100