Gallery62options vary depending on the view you are in and whetheryou have selected an image or a video clip. You can alsodefine whether the active toolbar is always visible on thedisplay or activated by a keypress.If you want the active toolbar to be visible on the display,select Options > Show icons.If you want the active toolbar to be visible only when youneed it, select Options > Hide icons. To activate the activetoolbar, press .Select from the following:to play the selected video clipto send the selected image or video clip/ to add or remove an image from the Print Basket.See ‘Print Basket’, p. view the images in the Print basketto start a slide show of your imagesto delete the selected image or video clipto print the viewed imageThe available options may vary depending on the view youare in.Print BasketYou can tag images to the Print Basket, and print themlater with a compatible printer or in a compatible printingkiosk, if available. See ‘Image print’, p. 65. The taggedimages are indicated with in the Images & videosfolder and albums.To tag an image for later printing, select an image, andAdd to Print Basket from the active toolbar.To view the images in the Print Basket, select View PrintBasket from the active toolbar, or select from theImages & videos folder (available only when you haveadded pictures to the Print Basket).To remove an image from the Print Basket, select an imagein the Images & videos folder or in an album, and Removefrom print from the active toolbar.AlbumsWith albums you can conveniently manage your imagesand video clips. To view the albums list, select Images &videos > Options > Albums > View albums.To add a picture or a video clip to an album in the gallery,scroll to a picture or video clip, and select Options >Albums > Add to album. A list of albums opens. Select thealbum to which you want to add the picture or video clip.