Gallery63The added pictures and video clips are not deleted from theImages & videos folder.To remove a file from an album, press . The file is notdeleted from the Images & videos folder in Gallery.To create a new album, in the albums list view, selectOptions > New album.Edit imagesTo edit the pictures after taking them, or the ones alreadysaved in Gallery, select Options > Edit.Select Options > Apply effect to open a grid where youcan select different edit options indicated by small icons.You can crop and rotate the image; adjust the brightness,color, contrast, and resolution; and add effects, text, clipart, or a frame to the picture.Crop imageTo crop an image, select Options > Apply effect > Crop.To crop the image size manually, select Manual or apredefined aspect ratio from the list. If you select Manual,a cross appears in the upper left corner of the image. Usethe scroll key to select the area to crop, and select Set.Another cross appears in the lower right corner. Againselect the area to be cropped. To adjust the first selectedarea, select Back. The selected areas form a rectangle thatforms the cropped image.If you selected a predefined aspect ratio, select the upperleft corner of the area to be cropped. To resize thehighlighted area, use the scroll key. To freeze the selectedarea, press . To move the area within the picture, use thescroll key. To select the area to be cropped, press .Reduce rednessTo reduce redness of the eyes in an image, select Options >Apply effect > Red eye reduction. Move the cross ontothe eye, and press . A loop appears on the display. Toresize the loop to fit the size of the eye, use the scroll key.To reduce the redness, press .Useful shortcutsShortcuts in the image editor:• To view an image in the full screen, press . To returnto the normal view, press again.• To rotate an image clockwise or counterclockwise,press or .• To zoom in or out, press or .• To move on a zoomed image, scroll up, down, left, orright.