Create calendar entriesYou can create the following types of calendar entries:• Meeting entries remind you of events that have aspecific date and time.• Memo entries are related to the whole day but not to aspecific time of the day.• Anniversary entries remind you of birthdays and specialdates. They refer to a certain day but not a specific timeof the day. Anniversary entries are repeated every year.• To-do entries remind you of a task that has a due datebut not a specific time of the day.To create a calendar entry, scroll to a date, selectOptions > New entry and the entry type.Tip: To create a meeting entry, start entering thesubject.Create meeting, memo, anniversary, or to-doentries1. Enter the subject.2. For meeting entries, enter the start and end times, orselect All-day event.3. For meeting and memo entries, enter the start and enddates. For anniversary entries, enter the date and forto-do entries, enter the due date.4. For meeting entries, enter the location.5. For meeting, anniversary, and to-do entries, you canset an alarm.6. For recurring meeting entries, set the recurrence time.7. For to-do entries, set the priority. To set the priority formeeting entries, select Options > Priority.8. For memo, anniversary, and to-do entries, define howthe entry is handled during synchronisation. SelectPrivate to hide the entry from viewers if the calendaris available online, Public to make the entry visible toviewers, or None to not copy the entry to yourcomputer.9. Enter a description.To send the entry, select Options > Send.Calendar settingsSelect Options > Settings.To change the alarm tone, select Calendar alarm tone.To change the view displayed when you open thecalendar, select Default view.To change the first day of the week, select Week startson.To change the week view title, select Week view title andWeek number or Week dates.Nokia Contacts forEseriesSelect Menu > Communic. > Contacts.Save and update contact information, such as phonenumbers, home addresses, or e-mail addresses of yourcontacts. You can add a personal ringing tone or a 27 New from Eseries