Manage image filesTo view detailed information about the image, selectOptions > View details.To send the image, select Options > Send, and themethod for sending.To rename the image, select Options > Rename.To set the image as the display background, selectOptions > Use image > Set as wallpaper.To add the image to a contact, select Options > Useimage > Assign to contact. The Contacts applicationopens, and you can select the contact for the image.RealPlayerSelect Menu > Media > RealPlayer.RealPlayer plays video clips and audio files that are storedin the device memory or on a memory card, transferred toyour device from an e-mail message or a compatiblecomputer, or streamed to your device over the web.Supported formats include MPEG-4, MP4 (not streaming),3GP, RV, RA, AMR, and Midi. RealPlayer does not necessarilysupport all variations of a media file format.Play video clips and streamlinksTo play a video clip or audio file, select Options > Open >Most recent clips to play one of the six clips you mostrecently played, or Saved clip to play a clip or open a weblink. Select Play.To play streaming media, select a web link that points toa clip, and select Play; or connect to the web, browse to avideo clip or audio file, and select Play. RealPlayerrecognises two kinds of links: an rtsp:// URL and an http://URL that points to a RAM file. Before the content beginsstreaming, your device must connect to a web site andbuffer the content. If a network connection problemcauses a playback error, RealPlayer attemptsautomatically to reconnect to the internet access point.To adjust the volume during playback, use the volumekeys.To fast-forward during playback, scroll up and hold. Torewind during play, scroll down and hold.To stop the playback or streaming, select Stop. Bufferingor connecting to the streaming site stops, the playback ofthe clip stops, and the clip rewinds to the beginning.To download video clips from the web, select Options >Download videos.To view the video clip in full-screen size, select Options >Play in full screen. Full screen increases the size of thevideo to cover the maximum video area possible while theaspect ratio is maintained.Send audio files and videoclipsTo transfer a media clip to a compatible device, selectOptions > Send. Select the sending method.To send a media clip inside a message, create a multimediamessage, select a clip to attach and Insert object > Videoclip or Sound clip. 85 Media