M e s s a g e s ( M e n u 1 )26View a picture messageWhen you receive a picture message,the message icon ( ) appears inthe display.1. Press Show to view the picturemessage, or press Exit to move itto your inbox.2. If you have more than one picturemessage, scroll to the message ofyour choice, and press Select toview the message.When you have unopened picturemessages in your inbox, isshown in the upper left corner ofthe standby screen as a reminder.3. Scroll to view the whole picture ifnecessary.4. Once you are finished, press Backto move the picture message tothe Inbox or press Options forother choices such as Reply orForward.If you would like to save the pictureto your Templates folder for lateruse, press Options > Save picture >Select. You can enter a title for thepicture, and press OK.Note: If your templatesfolder is full of pictures, scrollto the picture you would liketo replace and press Select.■ Minibrowser messagesMinibrowser messaging is a NetworkService. See "Network services" onpage vii for more information.If your wireless service providersupports this feature, you can checkfor e-mail messages using theminibrowser. At the standby screen,select Menu > Messages >Minibrowser messages > Connect.See "Minibrowser (Menu 8)" on page57 for more information on usingthe Minibrowser in your phone toaccess web pages.■ Message foldersSave messages to foldersYou can save drafts of messages orreceived messages to an existingfolder or to a folder that you havecreated.1. Open the received message orcreate a new message, and pressOptions.2. Scroll to Save message > Sentitems, Templates, Archive, or afolder you have created on yourown, and press Select.Save the message to anotherfolder1. While viewing a message, pressOptions > Save message > Select.2. Scroll to the destination folder,and press Select.Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.