5. Making and Receiving CallsAnswering a Call ÕPress any key(except P, E, Aor volume keys) thenspeakIf Keyguard is on, only U answers calls. PressingE stops the ringing sound, but doesn’t answer thecall.Making a Call ÕExtend antenna fullyÕKey in phonenumberÕUYour phone can make and receive calls only when it isswitched on and in the cellular network’s service area.NO SERVICE means that you are probably outside thecellular service area. No calls can be placed orreceived. If you try to make a call whileNO SERVICE isdisplayed, the phone displaysWAIT FOR SERVICE, andtries to make the call for the next 2 minutes.Note: Check with your cellular system operator forinformation about when you need to dial a ‘1’ and/or anarea code in addition to the number.If you make a mistakedialingÕPress C once todelete the last digit, orÕPress and hold C toclear displayHanging up Press ESpeed Dialing ÕKey in memorylocation number(2 to 99)ÕUThe phone recalls the phone number from the memory,displays it briefly, then dials it.Note: If you press 1 U, the phone dials the numberstored with Menu 2 3, Set Voice Mailbox Number. If13