Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.S e t t i n g s55characters. The first time you try toconnect the devices, you must eachenter the same pass code. Once thedevices are paired, you will not need touse the pass code again, so there is noneed to remember it.Paired devices are placed in yourpaired device list. You can view the listeven when Bluetooth connectivity isnot active or when the devices in thelist are not available for connection.In standby mode, select Menu >Settings > Connectivity > Bluetooth >Paired devices > Options and one ofthe following:Assign short name—Give a nickname tothe selected device (visible to youonly).Auto-conn. without confirmation—Select No, if you want the phone toconnect to the selected deviceautomatically or Yes, if you want thephone to ask for your permission first.Delete pairing—Delete the pairing tothe selected device.Pair new device—Search for activedevices with Bluetooth technologywithin range, scroll to the desireddevice, and select Pair to establishpairing with that device. Do not acceptBluetooth connectivity from sourcesyou do not trust.Bluetooth connectivitysettingsYou can define how your phone isshown to other devices with Bluetoothconnectivity. In standby mode, selectMenu > Settings > Connectivity >Bluetooth > Bluetooth settings andone of the following:My phone's visibility—Select Shown toall to show the phone to all otherdevices with Bluetooth connectivity orHidden to show the phone only to thepaired devices. Operating the phone inhidden mode is a safer way to avoidmalicious software.My phone's name—Change your phonename that is seen by other users.Set up a connection1. In standby mode, select Menu >Settings > Connectivity >Bluetooth > On. The activeBluetooth technology connectionis indicated by at the top of thedisplay.2. Select Search for audioenhancements to search forcompatible devices with Bluetoothconnectivity. The list of founddevices appears in the display.3. Select the desired device. Ifrequired, enter the Bluetoothconnectivity pass code of thedevice to complete the pairing.