60Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.2. Scroll to a number and press Assign. When you return to the contactinformation view, you can see the speed-dial icon next to the number.• To call the contact by speed-dialling, go to standby mode and press the speed-dialling key and the call key.■ PresenceSelect Menu→Presence.Options in the Presence view: Open, My availability, Viewers,Update presence, Login, Logout, Settings, Help, and Exit.Use Presence (network service) to inform others about your availability, that is,when, where and how you want to be contacted. Presence allows you to view andcreate a dynamic profile of your contact details, visible to other users of theservice, to share information or control services. Presence information can includeyour availability, whether you prefer people to call or send messages, where youare and what you are doing.Before you can use Presence, you need to find a service that you want to use andthen save the settings of that service. You may receive the settings in a specialtext message, called a smart message, from the service provider that offers thePresence service. See “Receiving smart messages” on page 101. For moreinformation, contact your service provider.The Presence application allows you to change your own published informationand manage who is authorised to see your presence. To view the presenceinformation of others, you must use Contacts. See “Contacts” on page 56.