67Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.Creating calendar entries1. Select Options→New entry and select:• Meeting - Reminds you of an appointment that has a specific date andtime.• Memo - Write a general entry for a day.• Anniversary - Reminds you of birthdays or special dates. Anniversary entriesare repeated every year.2. Fill in the fields. Use the joystick to move between fields.• Subject/Occasion - Write a description of the event.• Location - The place of a meeting, optional.• Start time, End time, Start date, and End date.• Alarm - Press the joystick to activate the fields for Alarm time and Alarmdate.• Repeat - Press the joystick to change the entry to be repeated. Shown within the Day view.• Repeat until - Set an ending date for the repeated entry, for example, thelast date of a weekly course you are taking. This option is shown only if youhave selected to repeat the event.• Synchronisation - Private - After synchronisation the calendar entry can beseen only by you and it will not be shown to others even if they have onlineaccess to view the calendar. Public - The calendar entry is shown to others