75Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.You can also send images in a multimedia message, as an e-mail attachment, orvia Bluetooth technology or infrared connection. The camera produces images inJPEG and video clips in 3GP file format.Taking a picture or recording a video clipOptions available before taking a picture / a video clip: Capture/Record,New, Activate night mode, Self-timer /Mute, Go to Gallery, Settings, Help, andExit.1. Move the joystick to left to select the still image mode or to the right toactivate the video mode .2. Move the joystick up to zoom in on your subject before or while taking thepicture or recording a video clip. Move the joystick down to zoom out. Thezoom indicator on the display shows the zoom level.3. To take a picture, press the joystick (Capture). When you are taking a picture,do not move the phone before the Camera application starts to save the image.The camera shows the image and saves it automatically in Gallery. To return tothe viewfinder, press Back. To take another picture, press the joystick (Capture)again.4. To start recording a video clip, make sure you have first selected the videomode. Then press the joystick (Record) quickly to start recording. To pauserecording at any time, press Pause. To resume recording, press Continue. Whenrecording, you can see the recording counter, which shows the recorded time.5. To stop recording, press Stop.