5. Write textYou can enter letters, numbers, and special characters inseveral different ways. The on-screen keyboards allow you toenter characters by tapping them with your fingers or thestylus. Handwriting recognition allows you to writecharacters directly onto the screen using the stylus as a pen.Tap any text input field to enter letters, numbers, and specialcharacters.Your device can complete words based on the built-indictionary for the selected text input language. The devicealso learns new words from your input.On-screen keyboardTo activate the on-screen keyboard in portrait mode, selectand Mini QWERTY keyboard.To activate the on-screen keyboard in landscape mode, selectand Full screen QWERTY.When using the on-screen keyboard in portrait mode, tap thekeys of the keyboard with the stylus. When using the on-screen keyboard in landscape mode and in full-screen, youcan tap the keys with your fingers.For an explanation of each key and its function, see thefollowing figure.1 — Close - Closes the on-screen keyboard view.2 — Input menu - Opens the touch input options menu, whichincludes commands such as Writing language.3 — On-screen keyboard4 — Shift and Caps Lock - Allows you to enter an uppercasecharacter when you write in lowercase using the on-screenkeyboard. When you tap this key in handwriting recognitionmode, the last lowercase character switches to uppercase,and vice versa. To turn Caps Lock on, tap the key twice. Thekey will have a line under it.5 — Numbers and symbols - Switches between numbers,most commonly used special characters, and alphabetcharacters in the on-screen keyboard.6 — Character accents - Opens a pop-up window, in whichyou can select language character accents.7 — Space bar - Inserts a space.8 — Enter - Moves the cursor to the next row or text inputfield. Additional functions are based on the current context(for example, in the web address field of the web browser, itacts as a Go button).© 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.36