[ 53 ]The Phone bookCHANGE 1-TOUCH DIALING NUMBERS1 At the Start screen, press Names, scroll to 1-touch dialing andpress Select.2 Scroll to the 1-touch dialing entry you wish to change andpress Options.3 Scroll to Change and press Select.4 Enter the new number, or press Find to retrieve a number from yourPhone book, and press OK.5 Enter a name for the entry and press OK.DELETE 1-TOUCH DIALING NUMBERS1 At the Start screen, press Names, scroll to 1-touch dialing andpress Select.2 Scroll to the 1-touch dialing location you wish to delete andpress Options.3 Scroll to Delete and press Select. You’re asked to confirm the deletion.4 Press OK to delete the key assignment.• VIEW INFO, SERVICE, AND OWN NUMBERSYour wireless provider may have saved your phone’s operating number, aswell as various information and service numbers to your SIM card.Note: This feature may not be supported by your SIM card. If so,contact your wireless provider for more information.1 Press Names at the Start screen, scroll to one of the number types inthe following table, and press Select.Number type Used this number to...Info numbers Contact your wireless provider to obtain informationService numbers Contact your wireless provider to obtain serviceOwn numbers Display the operating number, or numbers which havebeen assigned to your phone by your wireless provider