M e s s a g e s30It takes more time to send a multimedia message than to send a text message.While the multimedia message is being sent, the animated indicator displaysand you can use other functions on the device. If there is an interruption whilethe message is being sent, the device automatically tries to resend it a few times.If this fails, the message remains in the Outbox folder and you can try to manuallyresend it later. Check your Outbox folder for unsent messages.Note: When sending messages, your device may display the wordsMultimedia message sent. This is an indication that the message hasbeen sent by your device to the message center number programmedinto your device. This is not an indication that the message has beenreceived at the intended destination. For more details about messagingservices, check with your service provider.Messages that you have sent are saved in the Sent items folder if Save sent messagesis set to Yes. See ’Other multimedia messages settings,’ p. 28.Read multimedia messagesWhen a multimedia message is being received, a rotating is displayed, in thedisplay along with the percentage display indicating the sending progress. Oncethe message has been fully downloaded, a static and 1 multimedia messageavailable or the number of multimedia messages available are displayed.• To view the message immediately, select Show; to save the message to theInbox for later viewing, select Exit; to discard the message, select Discard.• To view a saved message, select Menu > Messages > Multimedia msgs. > Inbox,and scroll to view the message.While viewing the message, select Play to view the entire multimedia message, orOptions and one of the following:View text—View only the text included in the message.Open image, Open sound clip, Open video clip, or Open bus. card—View or listen tothe corresponding file.Delete message—Delete the message you are viewing.Forward to no., Forward to e-mail, Forwd. to Pix Place (if supported by operator) orForward to many—Forward the message to a phone number, to an e-mail address,or to multiple recipients. Copyright messages cannot be forwarded.Message details—View the sender’s name and phone number, the message centerused, reception date and time, and the message size and type.While viewing the message, select Play to view the entire multimedia message orOptions > Save image, Save sound clip, or Save video clip to save the file to theGallery. Images, sound clips, and video clips must be opened before you cansave them.