M e s s a g e s31If blinks and Multimedia me-mory full. View waiting msg. is displayed, memoryfor multimedia messages is full. To view the waiting message, select Show. Before youcan save the message, delete some of your old messages. See ’Delete messages,’ p. 33.Reply to multimedia messageSelect Reply or Reply to all to enter a reply and send it to the original sender andany other message recipients.■ Voice messagesIf you subscribe to voice mail, your wireless provider will furnish you with a voicemailbox number. You need to save this number to your device to use voice mail.When you receive a voice message, your device lets you know by beeping, displayinga message, or both. If you receive more than one message, your device shows thenumber of messages received.Save voice mailbox numberYour wireless provider may have already saved your voice mailbox number toyour device. Select OK to leave the number unchanged.1. In the standby mode, select Menu > Messages > Voice messages > Voicemailbox number. The Voice mailbox number is displayed.2. If the box is empty, enter the voice mailbox area code and number, and select OK.Call and setup voice mail1. Once you have saved the voice mailbox number, press and hold 1.2. When you connect to voice mail and the prerecorded greeting begins,follow the automated instructions to setup voice mail.Listen to voice messagesOnce you have set up voice mail, press and hold 1, or use the Messages menu todial the voice mailbox number. Once you connect and the prerecorded greetingbegins, follow the automated instructions to listen to your voice messages.Automate voice mailYou can insert special characters called dialing codes into phone numbers such asvoice mail, and save the number to a 1-touch dialing location. Dialing codes instructthe receiving system to pause, wait, bypass, or accept the numbers that follow themin the dialing string. See ’Setup phone numbers with dialing codes,’ p. 38.