44Lap timing — to take lap timesContinue — to view the timing that you have set in the backgroundShow last time — to view the most recently measured time if the stopwatch is not resetView times or Delete times — to view or delete the saved times12. HelpUse the Help menu to find information about your phone.Select Menu > Help to browse help topics, enter a search, or view information aboutyour account.13. PhonebookYou can save names and phone numbers (contacts) in the phone memory and in the SIMcard memory.The phone memory can save contacts with additional details, such as various phone numbersand text items. You can also save an image for a limited number of contacts.The SIM card memory can save names with one phone number attached to them. The contactssaved in the SIM card memory are indicated by .■ Find a contactSelect Menu > Phonebook > Names. Scroll through the list of contacts, or enter the firstcharacters of the name you are trying to find.■ Save names and phone numbersNames and numbers are saved in the used memory. To save a name and phone number,select Menu > Phonebook > Names > Options > Add new contact.■ Save detailsIn the phone memory you can save different types of phone numbers, a tone or a video clip,and short text items for a contact.The first number you save is automatically set as the default number, and it is indicatedwith a frame around the number type indicator (for example, ). When you select aname from contacts (for example, to make a call), the default number is used unless youselect another number.Make sure that the memory in use is Phone or Phone and SIM. See “Settings,” p. 46.