T e x t e n t r y13Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.3. Text entryYou can use two methods for enteringtext and numbers: standard mode andpredictive text mode. Select Clear tobackspace the cursor and delete acharacter. Select and hold Clear tobackspace continuously and deletecharacters.■ Standard modeStandard mode is the only way to entertext into the contacts list and torename caller groups.Text (Abc)• Press a key once to insert the firstletter on the key, twice for thesecond letter, etc. If you pausebriefly, the last letter in the displayis accepted and your device awaitsthe next entry.• Press 0 to enter a space, therebyaccepting a completed word.• Press 1 to insert a period into yourmessage.• Press * to display a complete list ofspecial characters.• Press and hold # to bring up theEditor settings (Number mode,Prediction on or Prediction off,Writing language).Numbers (123)To switch to 123 mode from Abc mode,press and hold # at any message entryscreen to bring up the Editor settings.Select Number mode, and the devicereturns to the message entry screenand switches the Abc icon in the upperleft corner of the display to the 123icon (or back).Punctuation and specialcharactersWhile at any text entry screen, press *to display special characters (press andhold * if predictive text is on). Press *again to cycle through all availablecharacters. Scroll to navigate throughthe list of special characters. With acharacter highlighted, select Use toinsert the character into your message.■ Predictive text modeMuch faster than the standard modemethod, predictive text input enablesyou to write messages quickly usingyour keypad and the built-in dictionary.In predictive text mode, your phonepredicts the words as you enter them.