Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.CONNECTING TO OTHERDEVICESWhen connecting to anyother device, read its userguide for detailed safetyinstructions. Do notconnect incompatibleproducts.EMERGENCY CALLSEnsure the phone isswitched on and inservice. Press the end keyas many times as neededto clear the display andreturn to standby mode.Enter the emergencynumber, then press thecall key. Give yourlocation. Do not end thecall until given permissionto do so.■ Network servicesTo use the phone you must haveservice from a wireless service provideror network operator. Many of thefeatures in this device depend onfeatures in the wireless network tofunction. These network services maynot be available on all networks or youmay have to make specificarrangements with your serviceprovider before you can utilise networkservices. Your service provider mayneed to give you additionalinstructions for their use and explainwhat charges will apply.Some networks may have limitationsthat affect how you can use networkservices. For instance, some networksmay not support alllanguage-dependent characters andservices.Your service provider may haverequested that certain features bedisabled or not activated in yourdevice. If so, they will not appear onyour device menu. Your device mayalso have been specially configured.This configuration may includechanges in menu names, menu orderand icons. Contact your serviceprovider for more information.This device supports WAP 2.0 protocols(HTTP and SSL) that run on TCP/IPprotocols. Some features of this device,such as Minibrowser require networksupport for these technologies.■ About your deviceThe wireless devices described in thisguide are approved for use on theCDMA 800 and 1900, AMPS networks,and GPS in the Nokia 6275i device.Contact your network operator formore information about networks.Note: The Nokia 6275i GPSApplication is a simple andconvenient navigation system.It is not enabled foremergency services use and isnot able to indicate yourspecific location to emergencyservices in the event of anemergency.viii