A d d i t i o n a l s a f e t y i n f o r m a t i o n81Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.17. Additional safety information■ OperatingenvironmentYour device and its enhancements maycontain small parts. Keep them out ofthe reach of small children.Remember to follow any specialregulations in force in any area andalways switch off your device when itsuse is prohibited or when it may causeinterference or danger. Use the deviceonly in its normal operating positions.This device meets RF exposureguidelines when used either in thenormal use position against the ear orwhen positioned at least2.2 centimeters (7/8 inch) away fromthe body. When a carry case, belt clip,or holder is used for body-wornoperation, it should not contain metaland should position the device theabove-stated distance from your body.To transmit data files or messages, thisdevice requires a quality connection tothe network. In some cases,transmission of data files or messagesmay be delayed until such aconnection is available. Ensure theabove separation distance instructionsare followed until the transmission iscompleted.■ Medical devicesOperation of any radio transmittingequipment, including wireless phones,may interfere with the functionality ofinadequately protected medical devices.Consult a physician or the manufacturerof the medical device to determine ifthey are adequately shielded fromexternal RF energy or if you have anyquestions. Switch off your device inhealth care facilities when anyregulations posted in these areasinstruct you to do so. Hospitals orhealth care facilities may be usingequipment that could be sensitive toexternal RF energy.PacemakersPacemaker manufacturers recommendthat a minimum separation of15.3 centimeters (6 inches) bemaintained between a wireless deviceor phone and a pacemaker to avoidpotential interference with thepacemaker. These recommendationsare consistent with the independentresearch by and recommendations ofWireless Technology Research.To minimise the potential forinterference, persons with pacemakersshould do the following:• Always keep the device more than15.3 centimeters (6 inches) fromtheir pacemaker when the device isswitched on