Care and maintenanceYour device is a product of superiordesign and craftsmanship and should betreated with care. The followingsuggestions will help you protect yourwarranty coverage.• Keep the device dry. Precipitation,humidity, and all types of liquidsor moisture can contain mineralsthat will corrode electroniccircuits. If your device does getwet, remove the battery, andallow the device to dry completelybefore replacing it.• Do not use or store the device industy, dirty areas. Its movingparts and electronic componentscan be damaged.• Do not store the device in hotareas. High temperatures canshorten the life of electronicdevices, damage batteries, andwarp or melt certain plastics.• Do not store the device in coldareas. When the device returns toits normal temperature, moisturecan form inside the device anddamage electronic circuit boards.• Do not attempt to open the deviceother than as instructed in thisguide.• Do not drop, knock, or shake thedevice. Rough handling can breakinternal circuit boards and finemechanics.• Do not use harsh chemicals,cleaning solvents, or strongdetergents to clean the device.• Do not paint the device. Paint canclog the moving parts and preventproper operation.• Use only the supplied or anapproved replacement antenna.Unauthorised antennas,modifications, or attachmentscould damage the device and mayviolate regulations governingradio devices.• Use chargers indoors.• Always create a backup of datayou want to keep, such as contactsand calendar notes.• To reset the device from time totime for optimum performance,power off the device and removethe battery.These suggestions apply equally to yourdevice, battery, charger, or anyaccessory. If any device is not workingproperly, take it to the nearestauthorised service facility for service.Care and maintenance 59