device, because information stored onthem may be erased.Medical devicesOperation of any radio transmittingequipment, including wireless phones,may interfere with the functionality ofinadequately protected medicaldevices. Consult a physician or themanufacturer of the medical device todetermine if they are adequatelyshielded from external RF energy or ifyou have any questions. Switch off yourdevice in health care facilities when anyregulations posted in these areasinstruct you to do so. Hospitals or healthcare facilities may be using equipmentthat could be sensitive to external RFenergy.Implanted medical devicesManufacturers of medical devicesrecommend that a minimum separationof 15.3 centimetres (6 inches) should bemaintained between a wireless deviceand an implanted medical device, suchas a pacemaker or implantedcardioverter defibrillator, to avoidpotential interference with the medicaldevice. Persons who have such devicesshould:• Always keep the wireless devicemore than 15.3 centimetres (6inches) from the medical devicewhen the wireless device is turnedon.• Not carry the wireless device in abreast pocket.• Hold the wireless device to the earopposite the medical device tominimise the potential forinterference.• Turn the wireless device offimmediately if there is any reasonto suspect that interference istaking place.• Read and follow the directionsfrom the manufacturer of theirimplanted medical device.If you have any questions about usingyour wireless device with an implantedmedical device, consult your health careprovider.Hearing aidsSome digital wireless devices mayinterfere with some hearing aids. Ifinterference occurs, consult your serviceprovider.VehiclesRF signals may affect improperlyinstalled or inadequately shieldedelectronic systems in motor vehiclessuch as electronic fuel injection systems,electronic antiskid (antilock) brakingsystems, electronic speed controlAdditional safety information 61