ANSI Hardware Installation ManualIssue: 09 3HH-12893-AAAA-TCZZA 11DRAFTList of figures2 Overview........................................................................................31Figure 1 Vertical mount configuration for 7360 ISAM FX-16 in a 23 in. rack...........40Figure 2 Vertical mount configuration for 7360 ISAM FX-12 in a 19 in. rack...........41Figure 3 Vertical mount position for 7360 ISAM FX-8 in a 19 in. rack .....................42Figure 4 Vertical mount position for 7360 ISAM FX-8 in a 23 in. rack .....................43Figure 5 Horizontal mount position for 7360 ISAM FX-8 in a 19 in. rack.................44Figure 6 Horizontal mount position for 7360 ISAM FX-8 in a 23 in. rack.................45Figure 7 Horizontal mount position for 7360 ISAM FX-4 in a 19 in. rack.................46Figure 8 Horizontal mount position for 7360 ISAM FX-4 in a 23 in. rack.................47Figure 9 Vertical mount position for 7360 ISAM FX-4 in a 19 in. rack .....................48Figure 10 Vertical mount position for 7360 ISAM FX-4 in a 23 in. rack .....................49Figure 11 Vertical mount position for 7360 ISAM WM in a 23 in. rack ......................503 Floor preparation ..........................................................................55Figure 12 7360 ISAM FX/WM ANSI 23 in. rack footprint and dimensions.................56Figure 13 7360 ISAM FX/WM ANSI sample rack configuration floor plan.................564 Installing racks..............................................................................61Figure 14 Transport brackets located on the rear of the rack....................................65Figure 15 Securing the rack to the floor (non-seismic qualified installation)..............68Figure 16 Rack connector plate for 7-ft rack..............................................................69Figure 17 Bracing the rack to overhead (example)....................................................70Figure 18 Securing the rack to the floor (seismic-qualified installation).....................72Figure 19 Rack connector plate for 7-ft rack..............................................................73Figure 20 Bracing the rack to overhead (example)....................................................745 Installing a 7360 ISAM FX-16 shelf..............................................77Figure 21 Rack mounting configuration 3FE 66742 AB for 7360 ISAM FX-16..........79Figure 22 Mounting locations for the 7360 ISAM FX-16............................................82Figure 23 Mounting 7360 ISAM FX-16 lower shelf in a 23 in. rack............................83Figure 24 Mounting 7360 ISAM FX-16 upper shelf in a 23 in. rack ...........................85Figure 25 View of drip tray for 7360 ISAM FX-16 ......................................................86Figure 26 Mounting 7360 ISAM FX-16 lower drip tray...............................................87Figure 27 Mounting 7360 ISAM FX-16 upper drip tray ..............................................88Figure 28 Pre-assembled 7360 ISAM FX-16 heat and fiber baffle kit .......................91Figure 29 Mounting 7360 ISAM FX-16 lower heat and fiber baffle kit .......................91Figure 30 Mounting 7360 ISAM FX-16 upper heat and fiber baffle kit.......................92Figure 31 Fiber management bracket........................................................................93Figure 32 Fiber management bracket........................................................................94Figure 33 Remove the fan cover ...............................................................................96Figure 34 Fan unit handles ........................................................................................976 7360 ISAM FX-16 shelf cabling ....................................................99Figure 35 Shelf grounding cable connector locations on 7360 ISAM FX-16 ...........102Figure 36 External frame ground point rear view.....................................................104Figure 37 Power distribution unit on 7360 ISAM FX-16...........................................106Figure 38 Safety cover label ....................................................................................107