Your phoneTo view the 20 phone numbers that you have most recently called or attempted to call, goto Log→ Recent calls→ Dialled nos..Erasing recent call lists• To clear all recent call lists, select Options→ Clear recent calls in the Recent calls mainview.• To clear one of the call registers, open the register you want to erase and selectOptions→ Clear list.• To clear an individual event, open a register, scroll to the event, and press .Call durationAllows you to view the duration of your incoming and outgoing calls.Note: The actual time invoiced for calls by your service provider may vary,depending upon network features, rounding-off for billing, and so forth.Go to Menu→ Log→Call duration.Tip! To see the call duration timer while you have an active call, select Options →Settings → Show call duration → Yes.Erasing call duration timers - Select Options → Clear timers. For this you need the lockcode, see ‘Security’, p. 36. To clear an individual event, scroll to it and press .Call costs (network service)Go to Log→ Call costs.Call costs allows you to check the cost of the last call or all calls. The call costs aredisplayed separately for each SIM card.Note: The actual invoice for calls and services from your service provider may vary,Fig. 4 The Diallednumbers view.