Settingssound an error tone and ask you to select a network again. The selected network musthave a roaming agreement with your home network, that is, the operator whose SIMcard is in your phone.Glossary: Roamingagreement - Anagreement between twoor more network serviceproviders to enable theusers of one serviceprovider to use theservices of other serviceproviders.Cell info display• Select On to set the phone to indicate when it is used in a cellular network based onMicro Cellular Network (MCN) technology and to activate cell info reception.Accessory settingsScroll to an accessory folder and open the settings:• Select Default profile to select the profile you want to be activated each time when youconnect a certain accessory to your phone. See ‘Profiles’, p. 88.Indicators shown instandby mode:- a headset isconnected.- a loopset isconnected.• Select Automatic answer to set the phone to answer an incoming call automatically afterfive seconds time. If the Incoming call alert is set to Beep once or Silent, automaticanswer cannot be in use.Tip! If you are using a headset and want to close the sliding keypad during a callbut not end the call, press (left selection key) and then close the slidingkeypad within few seconds.Note: If you are using a loopset, you need to activate it separately. Open the Loopsetfolder and select Use loopset→ Yes. If you have activated a loopset, the headset willuse the same settings as the loopset.