To start writing a new message, pressand hold the messaging key.When you press the messaging key forthe first time, you are asked to definethe messaging key settings. Follow theinstructions on the display. You canmodify the settings later.Write textThe available input methods may vary.Use the keyboard1 Function key2 Shift key3 Sym key4 Backspace key5 Enter key6 Ctrl keySwitch between the differentcharacter casesTo change between the upper and lowercase modes, press the shift key twice. Toenter a single upper case letter in lowercase mode, or vice versa, press the shiftkey once, and then the desired alphabetkey.Insert a number or special characterprinted at the top of a keyPress the function key, and then pressthe corresponding alphabet key, orpress and hold the alphabet key only. Toenter several special characters in a row,press the function key twice quickly, andthen press the desired alphabet keys. Toreturn to normal mode, press thefunction key once.Insert a special character that is noton the keyboardPress the sym key, and select and acharacter.Insert a letter that is not on thekeyboardIt is possible to insert variations ofletters, for example, letters withaccents. For example, to insert á, pressBasic use 23© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.