these numbers and addresses to makecalls, send messages, or createbookmarks, for example.View and save multimediaattachmentsTo view multimedia messages ascomplete presentations, open themessage, and select Options > Playpresentation.Tip: To view or play a multimedia objectin a multimedia message, select Viewimage, Play sound clip, or Play videoclip.To view the name and size of anattachment, select the message andOptions > Objects.To save a multimedia object, selectOptions > Objects, the object, andOptions > Save.Special message typesSelect Menu > Messaging.You can receive special messages thatcontain data, such as operator logos,ringing tones, bookmarks, or internetaccess or e-mail account settings.To save the contents of these messages,select Options > Save object.Service messagesService messages are sent to your deviceby service providers. Service messagesmay contain notifications such as newsheadlines, services, or links throughwhich the message content can bedownloaded.To define the service message settings,select Options > Settings > Servicemessage.To download the service or messagecontent, select Options > Downloadmessage.To view information about the sender,web address, expiration date, and otherdetails of the message beforedownloading it, select Options >Message details.Messaging 63© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.