![Nokia E62 User Manual Manual pdf 52 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3972096/2cc5907e0d36a879eafc71decf4ec02e52f.jpg)
FCC DRAFTTo restore a task, scroll to it in the todo list, and selectOptions > Mark as not done.Calendar viewsTo switch between the different calendar views, selectOptions in any calendar view. Select a type of view fromthe list.To set the default calendar view, select Options >Settings > Default view > Month view , Week view, Dayview, or To-do view.To view a specific date in the calendar view, selectOptions > Go to date. Enter the date, and select OK.Add a received calendar entry toyour calendarYou can receive a calendar entry as an attachment to amultimedia or e-mail message.To add a received calendar entry to your calendar, openthe calendar entry attachment in the message, and selectOptions > Save to Calendar. The entry is added to yourdefault calendar.NotesSelect Menu > Organizer > Notes.You can create and send notes to other compatibledevices, and save plain text files (.txt format) that youreceive to Notes.To write a new note, select Options > New note, writethe text and press Done.CalculatorNote: This calculator has limited accuracy and isdesigned for simple calculations.Select Menu > Organizer > Calculator.To make a calculation, enter the first number of thecalculation. Scroll to and select a function such as add orsubtract from the function map. Enter the second numberof the calculation, and select =. To add a decimal point,press #.The calculator performs operations in the order they areentered. The result of the calculation remains in the editorfield and can be used as the first number of a newcalculation.To save the results of a calculation, select Options >Memory > Save. The saved result replaces the previouslystored number in memory.To retrieve the results of a calculation from memory anduse them in a calculation, select Options > Memory >Recall.To view the last saved result, select Options > Last result.Exiting the calculator application or turning off the devicedoes not clear the memory. You can recall the last savedresult the next time you open the calculator application.52 Organizer