presentations. They may appear different in differentdevices.View presentationsTo view a presentation, open the multimedia messagefrom the Inbox folder. Scroll to the presentation, andpress the scroll key.To pause the presentation, press either selection key.To resume playing the presentation, select Options >Continue.If the text or images are too large to fit on the display,select Options > Activate scrolling, and scroll to seethe entire presentation.To find phone numbers and e-mail or web addresses inthe presentation, select Options > Find. You may usethese numbers and addresses to make calls, sendmessages, or create bookmarks, for example.View and save multimediaattachmentsTo view multimedia messages as completepresentations, open the message, and selectOptions > Play presentation.Tip: To view or play a multimedia object in amultimedia message, select View image, Playsound clip, or Play video clip.To view the name and size of an attachment, open themessage, and select Options > Objects.To save a multimedia object, select Options >Objects, the object, and Options > Save.Forward a multimediamessageOpen Inbox, scroll to a multimedia notification, andpress the scroll key. To send the message to acompatible device without retrieving it to your device,select Options > Forward. If the server does notsupport multimedia message forwarding, this optionis not available.1. In the To field, enter a recipient's number or e-mailaddress, or press the scroll key to add a recipientfrom Contacts. If you enter more than one numberor e-mail address, separate them with a semicolon.2. Edit the message, if desired, and select Options >Send.Tip: To edit the delivery settings of the message,select Options > Sending options.Send a sound clip1. To compose an audio message, select Newmessage > Audio message.2. In the To field, enter a recipient's number or e-mailaddress, or press the scroll key to add a recipientfrom Contacts. If you enter more than one numberor e-mail address, separate them with a semicolon.67 Messaging