To divert calls to another phone number, select a calltype and a diverting option, then select Options >Activate > To other number. Enter a number in theNumber: field, or select Find to retrieve a numbersaved in Contacts.To check the current diverting status, scroll to thediverting option, and select Options > Check status.To stop diverting calls, scroll to the diverting option,and select Options > Cancel.Call barringSelect Menu > Tools > Settings > Phone > Callbarring.You can bar the calls that can be made or received withthe device (network service). To change the settings,you need the barring password from your serviceprovider. Call barring affects all call types.To bar calls, select from the following:• Outgoing calls — Prevent making voice calls withyour device.• Incoming calls — Prevent incoming calls.• International calls — Prevent calling to foreigncountries or regions.• Incoming calls when abroad — Prevent incomingcalls when outside your home country.• International calls except to home country— Prevent calls to foreign countries or regions, butallow calls to your home country.To check the status of voice call barrings, select thebarring option and Options > Check status.To stop all voice call barrings, select a barring optionand Options > Cancel all barrings.To change the password used for barring voice, fax, anddata calls, select Options > Edit barring password.Enter the current code, then the new code twice. Thebarring password must be four digits long. For details,contact your service provider.Bar net callsSelect Menu > Tools > Settings > Phone > Callbarring > Internet call barring.To reject net calls from anonymous callers, selectAnonymous call barring > On.Send DTMF tonesYou can send dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) tonesduring an active call to control your voice mailbox orother automated phone services.Send a DTMF tone sequence1. Make a call, and wait until the other end answers.2. Select Options > Send DTMF.3. Enter the DTMF tone sequence, or select apredefined sequence.81 Phone