speech turn is limited. For details of the speech turnduration for your network, contact your network operatoror service provider.Remember to hold the device in front of you during a pushto talk call so you can see the display. Speak towards themicrophone, and do not cover the loudspeaker with yourhands.Phone calls always take priority over push to talk.Before you can use push to talk, you must define the pushto talk access point and push to talk settings. You mayreceive the settings in a special text message from theservice provider that offers the push to talk service.User settingsSelect Options > Settings > User settings.Define the following:• Incoming PTT calls — Select Notify if you want to seea notification of incoming calls. Select Auto-accept ifyou want push to talk calls to be answeredautomatically. Select Not allowed if you want push totalk calls to be rejected automatically.• PTT call alert tone — Select Set by profile if you wantthe incoming call alert setting for push to talk to followyour profile settings. If your profile is silent, you arenot available to others using push to talk, except forcallback requests.• Callback req. tone — Define the ringing tone forcallback requests.• Application start-up — Select if you want to log in tothe push to talk service when you switch on yourdevice.• Default nickname — Enter your default nickname (20characters maximum) that is displayed to other users.• Show my PTT address — Define if you want callers tosee your push to talk address. You can let all callers seethe address, show the address only to one-to-onecallers or channel participants, or hide the addressfrom all callers.• Show my login status — Define if your login to thepush to talk server is shown or hidden from otherusers.Connection settingsSelect Options > Settings > Connection settings.Define the following:• Domain — Enter the domain name obtained fromyour service provider.• Access point name — Enter the push to talk accesspoint name.• Server address — Enter the IP address or domainname of the push to talk server obtained from yourservice provider.• User name — Enter your user name obtained fromyour service provider.• PTT password — Enter a password, if required, tomake a data connection. The password is usuallyprovided by the service provider.Log in to push to talk serviceIf you have set Application start-up on in User settings,push to talk automatically logs in to the service whenstarted. If not, you must log in manually.1. To log in to a push to talk service, select Options >Switch PTT on.30 Make calls