corresponding range of blank cells is inserted. You canalso insert a new row or column.To delete cells, rows, or columns, select the items youwant to delete and Options > Cells > Delete. You candelete an entire row or column. If you select Shift cellsleft, the selected cells are deleted, and the cells right ofthe selected cells are shifted left. If you select Shift cellsup, the cells below the deleted cells are shifted up.To insert a function into a cell, select a cell. SelectOptions > Insert > Function and a function from the list.For example, MIN finds the lowest value in the numericcontents of a selected range of cells, AVERAGE calculatesthe average of the values, and SUM adds the valuestogether. Once you have selected a function, press thejoystick. The function is inserted into the selected cell. Onthe worksheet, enter the cells you want to include in thefunction inside the brackets, and press the joystick.Tip: Before inserting a function, verify thatOptions > Show cell field > Edit grid is activeand that the selected cell is empty or starts with =.Create and modify chartsWhen you change the information on a worksheet, thechart is updated simultaneously.To open a chart, open the outline view, select theworksheet and chart, and press the joystick. If charts arenot visible, select Options > Expand.To create a new chart, select the worksheet cells thatcontain the information you want to include in the chartand Options > Insert > Chart. To change the generalappearance of an existing chart, open a chart view. SelectOptions > View > Chart. You can change the name of thechart and define the cell area. You can change the type ofthe chart (line, column, or pie chart). You can make thechart two or three-dimensional or change the color of thebackground and axis. Scroll right to add a title to the chartand axis.To format a chart in more detail, open a chart view. SelectOptions > View and the object you want to edit. You canchange the series, X-axis, and Y-axis settings (such as thetick marks of either axis), and data labels.PresentationYou can open, view, edit, and save presentations createdwith Microsoft PowerPoint 97 or later. You can also createnew presentations. Note that not all features andformatting of the original files are supported.Select Menu > Office > Presentat..To open an existing presentation, browse for the folderand file, and press the joystick.To create a new presentation, select Options > New file.Select Blank to create a new presentation without usinga template, or Use template to create a presentationbased on an existing template.View slide showsTo start a slide show, select Options > Presentation.Select from the following options:• Manual — Move from one slide to another manually.80 Office applications