To restore a task, scroll to it in the todo list, and selectOptions > Mark as not done.Calendar viewsTo switch between the different calendar views, selectOptions in any calendar view. Select a type of view fromthe list.To set the default calendar view, select Options >Settings > Default view > Month view , Week view, Dayview, or To-do viewTo view a specific date in the calendar view, selectOptions > Go to date. Enter the date, and select OK.Add a received calendar entry toyour calendarYou can receive a calendar entry as an attachment to amultimedia or e-mail message.To add a received calendar entry to your calendar, openthe calendar entry attachment in the message, and selectOptions > Save to Calendar. The entry is added to yourdefault calendar.To respond to a received calendar entry, open thecalendar entry attachment, and select Accept, Tentative,or Decline. If you accept the entry or mark it as tentative,the entry is added to your default calendar. You can senda response message to the sender of the calendar entryby e-mail. Select Yes, and the message is saved inOutbox to wait for sending.NotesSelect Menu > Organiser > Notes.You can create and send notes to other compatibledevices, and save plain text files (.txt format) that youreceive to Notes.To write a new note, select Options > New note, writethe text and press Done.CalculatorNote: This calculator has limited accuracy and isdesigned for simple calculations.Select Menu > Organiser > Calculator.To make a calculation, enter the first number of thecalculation. Scroll to and select a function such as add orsubtract from the function map. Enter the second numberof the calculation and select =. To add a decimal point,press #.The calculator performs operations in the order they areentered. The result of the calculation remains in the editorfield and can be used as the first number of a newcalculation.To save the results of a calculation, select Options >Memory > Save. The saved result replaces the previouslystored number in memory.To retrieve the results of a calculation from memory anduse them in a calculation, select Options > Memory >Recall.93 Organiser