To change default information for a contact, open thecontact, and select Options > Defaults. Select the numberor address you want to set as a default, and select OK.The default number or address is underlined in thecontact.Copy contacts between SIMand device memoryFor availability and information on using SIM cardservices, contact your SIM card vendor. This may be theservice provider, network operator, or other vendor.To copy contacts from a SIM card to device memory, selectOptions > SIM contacts > SIM directory to open the SIMdirectory. Mark the contacts you want to copy, or selectMark all to copy all contacts. Select Options > Copy toContacts.To copy contacts from the device memory to a SIM card,select Options > Copy to SIM direct.. Mark the contactsyou want to copy, or select Mark all to copy all contacts.Select Options > Copy to SIM direct..Select Options > SIM contacts > SIM directory to see thenames and numbers stored on the SIM card. In SIMdirectory you can add, edit, or copy numbers to Contacts,and you can make calls.Select ringing tones forcontactsSelect a ringing tone for a contact or contact group. If thecaller's phone number is sent with the call, and yourdevice recognizes the number, the ringing tone playswhen the contact calls you.To select a ring tone for a contact or contacts group, openthe contact or contact group, and select Options >Ringing tone. A list of ring tones opens. Select the ringtone you want to use, and select OK.To remove the ringing tone, select Default tone from thelist of ringing tones.Business cardsSelect Menu > Contacts.You can send, receive, view, and save contact cards asbusiness cards in vCard or Nokia Compact Business Cardformat.You can send business cards to compatible devices usingSMS, MMS, or e-mail, or an infrared or Bluetoothconnection.To send a business card, select the contact card from thecontacts list, and select Options > Send. Select Via textmessage, Via multimedia, Via e-mail, Via Bluetooth, or Viainfrared. Enter the phone number or address, or add arecipient from the contacts list. Select Options > Sendbusiness card. If you select SMS as the sending method,contact cards are sent without images.To view a received business card, select Open from thedisplayed notification, or open the message from theinbox folder in Messag..37 Contacts