Transfer music from PCTo transfer music from your PC, connect your device to thePC using Bluetooth connectivity or a compatible USB datacable. If you are using the USB cable, select Massstorage as the connection mode. Make sure that acompatible memory card is inserted in the device.If you select PC Suite as the connection mode, you can useNokia Music to synchronize music between your deviceand PC.Preset frequency settingsSelect Menu > Media > Music player and Options > Goto Now playing > Options > Equalizer.To use a preset frequency setting when playing music,select the frequency setting you want to use andOptions > Activate.To modify the frequency of a preset setting, selectOptions > Edit and a frequency band, and scroll up ordown to adjust its value. You hear your frequencyadjustment immediately in the playback.To reset the frequency bands to their original values, selectOptions > Reset to defaults.To create your own frequency setting, select Options >New preset.Enter a name for the frequency setting.Scroll up or down to move between the frequency bands,and set the frequency for each band.RealPlayerSelect Menu > Media > RealPlayer.RealPlayer plays video and sound clips that are stored onyour device, transferred from an e-mail message, or acompatible computer, or streamed to your device over theweb. Supported file formats include MPEG-4, MP4 (notstreaming), 3GP, RV, RA, AMR, and Midi. RealPlayer does notnecessarily support all variations of a media file format.Play video clips and stream linksTo play a video clip, select Video clips, and a clip.To list recently played files, in the application main view,select Recently played.To stream content over the air (network service), selectStreaming links and a link. RealPlayer recognizes twokinds of links: an rtsp:// URL and an http:// URL that pointsto a RAM file. Before the content begins streaming, yourdevice must connect to a website and buffer the content.If a network connection problem causes a playback error,RealPlayer attempts automatically to reconnect to theinternet access point.120 Media