include in the presentation, where they appear, andwhich effects are displayed between images andslides.4 Scroll to the text area, and enter the text.5 To insert images, sound or video clips, or notes in yourpresentation, scroll to the corresponding object area,and select Options > Insert.6 To add slides, select Options > Insert > New slide.To select the background color for the presentation andbackground images for different slides, select Options >Background settings.To set effects between images or slides, select Options >Effect settings.To preview the presentation, select Options > Preview.Multimedia presentations may only be viewed incompatible devices that support presentations. They mayappear different in different devices.View presentationsTo view a presentation, open the multimedia messagefrom the Inbox folder. Scroll to the presentation, and pressthe scroll key.To pause the presentation, press either selection key.To resume playing the presentation, select Options >Continue.If the text or images are too large to fit on the display,select Options > Activate scrolling, and scroll to see theentire presentation.To find phone numbers and e-mail or web addresses in thepresentation, select Options > Find. You may use thesenumbers and addresses to make calls, send messages, orcreate bookmarks, for example.View and save multimedia attachmentsTo view multimedia messages as complete presentations,open the message, and select Options > Playpresentation.Tip: To view or play a multimedia object in a multimediamessage, select View image, Play sound clip, or Playvideo clip.To view the name and size of an attachment, select themessage and Options > Objects.To save a multimedia object, select Options > Objects,the object, and Options > Save.Special message typesSelect Menu > Messaging.48 Messaging