Make a video callWhen you make a video call (network service), you can seea real-time, two-way video between you and the recipientof the call. The live video image, or video image capturedby the camera in your device is shown to the video callrecipient.To be able to make a video call, you must have a USIM cardand be in the coverage of a UMTS network. For availabilityof and subscription to video call services, contact yournetwork service provider.A video call can only be made between two parties. Thevideo call can be made to a compatible mobile device oran ISDN client. Video calls cannot be made while anothervoice, video, or data call is active.IconsYou are not receiving video (the recipient is notsending video or the network is not transmittingit).You have denied video sending from your device.To send a still image instead, select Menu > Ctrl.panel > Settings and Phone > Call > Image invideo call.Even if you denied video sending during a videocall, the call is still charged as a video call. Checkthe pricing with your service provider.1 To start a video call, enter the phone number in thestandby mode, or select Contacts and a contact.2 Select Options > Call > Video call.The secondary camera on the front is used by defaultfor video calls. Starting a video call may take a while.Waiting for video image is shown. If the call is notsuccessful (for example, video calls are not supportedby the network, or the receiving device is notcompatible), you are asked if you want to try a normalcall or send a text or multimedia message instead.The video call is active when you see two videoimages, and hear the sound through the loudspeaker.The call recipient may deny video sending ( ), inwhich case you only hear the sound and may see a stillimage or a grey background graphic.3 To end the video call, press the end key.Options during a video callTo change between showing video or hearing only sound,select Options > Enable, or Disable and the desiredoption.To use the main camera to send video, select Options >Use main camera.To switch back to the secondary camera, selectOptions > Use secondary camera.To take a snapshot of the video you are sending, selectOptions > Send snapshot. Video sending is paused andthe snapshot is shown to the recipient. The snapshot is notsaved. Press Cancel to resume sending video.34 Make calls