updated based on the playlists you select forsynchronisation in Windows Media Player. If noplaylists have been selected, the whole PC musiclibrary is selected for synchronisation. If there is notenough free memory in your device, WindowsMedia Player selects manual synchronisationautomatically.To stop automatic synchronisation, click the Synctab, and select Stop Sync to 'Nokia Handset'.Nokia Music StoreIn the Nokia Music Store (network service) you cansearch, browse, and purchase music to download toyour device. To purchase music, you first need toregister for the service.To check the Nokia Music Store availability in yourcountry, visit music.nokia.com.To access the Nokia Music Store, you must have avalid internet access point in the device.To open Nokia Music Store, press , and selectMusic > Music store.To find more music in different categories of themusic menu, select Options > Find in Musicstore.Nokia Music Store settingsThe availability and appearance of the music storesettings may vary. The settings may also bepredefined and not editable. If the settings are notpredefined, you may be asked to select the accesspoint to use when connecting to the music store. Toselect the access point, select Default accesspoint.In the music store, you may be able to edit thesettings by selecting Options > Settings.FM transmitterAbout the FM transmitterThe availability of this feature may vary by country.Some countries may restrict the use of the FMtransmitter. Before using the feature in a foreigncountry, see www.nseries.com/fmtransmitter tocheck if use is permitted.With the FM transmitter, you can play songs in yourdevice through any compatible FM receiver, such asa car radio or a home stereo system.The operating distance of the FM transmitter is upto a maximum of 3 metres (10 feet). TheMusic folder76 Music folder