Search for stationsTo search for radio stations in the Nokia InternetRadio service by their name, do the following:1. In the application main view, select Search.2. Enter a station name or the first letters of it inthe search field, and select Search.Matching stations are displayed.To listen to a station, select it, and Listen.To save a station to your favourites, select it, andOptions > Add to Favourites.To make another search, select Options > Searchagain.Station directoryPress , and select Radio > Internet radio >Station directory.The station directory is maintained by Nokia. If youwant to listen to internet radio stations outside thedirectory, add station information manually orbrowse for station links on the internet with theWeb application.Select how you want the available stations to besorted:● Browse by genre — View the available radiostation genres.● Browse by language — View the languages inwhich there are stations broadcasting.● Browse by country — View the countries inwhich there are stations broadcasting.● Top stations — View the most popular stationsin the directory.Internet radio settingsPress , and select Music > Radio > Internetradio > Options > Settings.To select the default access point to connect to thenetwork, select Default access point and from theavailable options. Select Always ask if you want thedevice to ask for the access point every time youopen the application.To change the connection speeds for differentconnection types, select from the following:● GPRS connection bitrate — for GPRS packetdata connections● 3G connection bitrate — for 3G packet dataconnections● Wi-Fi connection bitrate — for WLANconnectionsMusic folder85 Music folder