Tools104• Certificate not trusted—You have not set anyapplication to use the certificate. See ‘Change thetrust settings’, p. 104.• Expired certificate—The period of validity has endedfor the selected certificate.• Certificate not valid yet—The period of validity hasnot yet begun for the selected certificate.• Certificate corrupted—The certificate cannot be used.Contact the certificate issuer.Change the trust settingsBefore changing any certificate settings, you must makesure that you really trust the owner of the certificate andthat the certificate really belongs to the listed owner.Scroll to an authority certificate, and select Options >Trust settings. Depending on the certificate, a list of theapplications that can use the selected certificate isshown. For example:• Symbian installation: Yes—The certificate is able tocertify the origin of a new Symbian operating systemapplication.• Internet: Yes—The certificate is able to certify servers.• App. installation: Yes—The certificate is able tocertify the origin of a new Java TM application.Select Options > Edit trust setting to change the value.Track protect. objectSome copyright-protected music files may include atransaction identifier. Select whether you allow theidentifier to be sent with the music file if you send orforward the file. The provider of the music file can use theidentifier to track the distribution of the files.EAP plug-insYou can view the EAP plug-ins currently installed in yourdevice (network service). Some Internet access points thatuse wireless LAN as a data bearer and WPA security modeuse the plug-ins for authentication.Call divertCall divert allows you to divert your incoming calls to yourvoice mailbox or another phone number. For details,contact your service provider.Select which calls you want to divert and the desireddiverting option. To divert voice calls when your number isbusy or when you reject incoming calls, select If busy. Setthe option on (Activate) or off (Cancel), or check whetherthe option is activated (Check status).Several diverting options can be active at the same time.When all calls are diverted, is shown in thestandby mode.