Battery information116Enhancements logo on the packaging, and inspect thehologram label using the following steps:Successful completion of the four steps is not a totalassurance of the authenticity of the battery. If you have anyreason to believe that your battery is not an authentic originalNokia battery, you should refrain from using it and take it tothe nearest authorized Nokia service point or dealer forassistance. Your authorized Nokia service point or dealer willinspect the battery for authenticity. If authenticity cannot beverified, return the battery to the place of purchase.Authenticate hologram1 When looking at the hologram onthe label, you should see theNokia connecting hands symbolfrom one angle and the NokiaOriginal Enhancements logowhen looking from another angle.2 When you angle the hologramleft, right, down, and up, youshould see 1, 2, 3, and 4 dots oneach side respectively.3 Scratch the side of the label toreveal a 20-digit code, forexample,12345678919876543210. Turnthe battery so that the numbersare facing upwards. The 20-digitcode reads starting from thenumber at the top row followed bythe bottom row.4 Confirm that the 20-digit code isvalid by following the instructionsat if your battery is notauthentic?If you cannot confirm that your Nokia battery with thehologram on the label is an authentic Nokia battery, please donot use the battery. Take it to the nearest authorized Nokiaservice point or dealer for assistance. The use of a battery thatis not approved by the manufacturer may be dangerous andmay result in poor performance and damage to your deviceand its enhancements. It may also invalidate any approval orwarranty applying to the device.To find out more about original Nokia batteries,