See a more detailed weather forecastSelect Options > Full weather details. You need to havea valid navigation license and the service must be availablefor the location.Use Maps with the compassSelect Menu > Maps.When the compass in your device is enabled, the circlearound the compass is green, and the map view rotatesautomatically according to the direction to which the topof the device is pointing.To enable the compass, select Options > Tools > Turncompass on. When the compass is not in use, the circlearound the compass is white, and the map view does notrotate automatically.Calibrate compassThe compass has limited accuracy. Electromagnetic fields,metal objects, or other external circumstances may alsoaffect the accuracy of the compass. The compass shouldalways be properly calibrated.To calibrate the compass, do the following:Rotate the device around all axes in a continuousmovement until the calibration indicator changes its colorto green . If the indicator is yellow , the accuracy ofthe compass is low. If the indicator is red , the compassis not calibrated.Maps settingsSelect Menu > Maps.Select Options > Tools > Settings and from thefollowing:Internet — Define the Internet settings.Navigation — Define the navigation settings.Route — Define the routing settings.Map — Define the map settings.Synchronization — Define the settings for synchronizingsaved items with the Ovi Maps web service.Internet settingsSelect Menu > Maps.97 Maps