TV-out mode 111Edit images 112Edit videos 112Image print 113Share online 113Music 115Play a song or a podcast 115Playlists 116Podcasts 116Transfer music from a computer 117Nokia Music Store 117Nokia Podcasting 117FM radio 121Videos 122Download and view video clips 122Video feeds 123My videos 123Transfer videos from your PC 123Video settings 124Personalize your device 125Change the look of your device 125Profiles 1253-D tones 125Modify the home screen 126Modify the main menu 126Applications 127Calendar 127Clock 128RealPlayer 129Recorder 130Notes 130Office 131Settings 136Phone settings 136Application manager 142Calling settings 145Troubleshooting 147Green tips 150Save energy 150Recycle 150Save paper 150Learn more 150Accessories 151Battery 151Battery and charger information 151Nokia battery authentication guidelines 151Taking care of your device 152Recycle 152Additional safety information 153Small children 153Operating environment 1535 Contents