Q: Why can’t I end a Bluetooth connection?A: If another device is connected to your device, you canclose the connection from the other device or deactivateBluetooth connectivity in your device. Select Menu >Settings and Connectivity > Bluetooth > Bluetooth >Off.Q: Why can't I see a wireless LAN (WLAN) access pointeven though I know I'm within its range?A: The WLAN access point may use a hidden service setidentifier (SSID). You can only access networks that use ahidden SSID if you know the correct SSID and have createda WLAN access point for the network on your Nokia deviceQ: How do I turn the wireless LAN (WLAN) off on myNokia device?A: The WLAN on your Nokia device is deactivated when youare not connected or trying to connect to another accesspoint, or not scanning for available networks. To furtherreduce battery consumption, you can specify that yourNokia device does not scan, or scans less often, foravailable networks in the background. The WLAN isdeactivated in between background scans.To change the background scan settings, do the following:1 Select Menu > Settings and Connectivity > Wi-Fi.2 To increase the background scan time interval, adjustthe time in Scan for networks. To stop backgroundscans, select Show Wi-Fi availability > Never.3 To save your changes, select Back.When Show Wi-Fi availability is set to Never, theWLAN availability icon is not displayed in the homescreen. However, you can still manually scan foravailable WLAN networks, and connect to WLANnetworks as usual.Q: What do I do if the memory is full?A: Delete items from the memory. If Not enough memoryto perform operation. Delete some data first. orMemory low. Delete some data from phone memory.is displayed when you are deleting several items at thesame time, delete items one by one, beginning with thesmallest items.Q: Why can’t I select a contact for my message?A: The contact card does not have a phone number,address, or e-mail address. Select Menu > Contacts andthe relevant contact, and edit the contact card.Q: How can I end the data connection when the devicestarts a data connection again and again?A: The device may be trying to retrieve a multimediamessage from the multimedia message center. To stop thedevice from making a data connection, select Menu >148 Troubleshooting