Transfer music from a computerYou can use the following methods to transfer music:• To view your device on a computer as a mass memorydevice where you can transfer any data files, make theconnection with a compatible USB data cable orBluetooth connectivity. If you are using a USB datacable, select Mass storage as the connection mode.• To synchronize music with Windows Media Player,connect a compatible USB data cable, and select Mediatransfer as the connection mode.• To install Nokia Music to manage and organize yourmusic files, download the PC software, and follow theinstructions.To change the default USB connection mode, selectMenu > Settings and Connectivity > USB > USBconnection mode.Nokia Music StoreSelect Menu > Music > Music store.In the Nokia Music Store (network service) you can search,browse, and purchase music to download to your device.To purchase music, you first need to register for theservice.To access the Nokia Music Store, you must have a validinternet access point in the device.Nokia Music Store is not available for all countries orregions.Nokia Music Store settingsThe availability and appearance of the Nokia Music Storesettings may vary. The settings may also be predefinedand not editable. You may be asked to select the accesspoint to use when connecting to the Nokia Music Store.Select Default access point.In the Nokia Music Store, you may be able to edit thesettings by selecting Options > Settings.Nokia PodcastingWith the Nokia Podcasting application (network service),you can search, discover, subscribe to, and downloadpodcasts over the air, and play, manage, and share audioand video podcasts with your device.Podcasting settingsTo open Nokia Podcasting, select Menu >Applications > Podcasting.Before using Nokia Podcasting, define your connectionand download settings.The recommended connection method is WLAN. Checkwith your service provider for terms and data service feesbefore using different connection methods. For example,117 Music