AG 2100System Administration 211Importing the Factory Defaults {Factory}This procedure shows you how to replace the current configuration settings with the settingsthat were established at the factory.1. From the Web Management Interface, click on System, then Factory.If you restore the factory default configuration settings, you will no longer beable to access the AG 2100 remotely. However, you always have the option ofusing the “import” function to restore system configuration settings from thearchive file.The factory default configuration does not include the network settings. Thenetwork connection will be lost if this “import” function is performed. To avoida prolonged service interruption, perform this procedure from the Admin IP( Standard ab Fabrik eingestellte Konfiguration beeintragt nicht dieNetzwerk einstellungen. Die Netzwerk verbindung geht verloren wenn die"import" Funktion ausgefuehrt wird. Um einen Service unterbrechen zuvorkommen, koennen Sie am besten diese Prozedure ausfuehren mit Admin IP( will need to reboot the system for some of the imported default settings totake effect (especially DHCP).