AG 2100 4The Subscriber Interface 243The Subscriber InterfaceThis chapter provides an overview and a sample scenario for the AG 2100’s SubscriberInterface and a section outlining the authorization and billing processes utilized by the system.OverviewThe Subscriber Interface is the window to the solution provider’s Web site, and much morethan that. When a subscriber accesses the solution provider’s high speed network, the AG 2100points their browser to a sign-in page. The AG 2100 then creates a database entry thatautomatically records the subscriber’s Media Access Control (MAC). Like a router, the AG2100 continuously tracks subscriber IP and MAC settings, eliminating the need for furthersign-ins and ensuring that subscriber usage and billing is recorded accurately. The AG 2100also eliminates configuration issues between the subscriber’s computer and the network.The Subscriber Interface is the portal Web site of the solution provider’s broadband network,and as such, its appearance and functionality reflect the needs of the solution provider. The AG2100 is a gateway to this network, providing connection services that enable and automate aneffective Enterprise relationship between a supplier (the solution provider) and its customer(the subscriber). The AG 2100’s role in this customer/supplier relationship is effectively“invisible” to subscribers.AG 2100SubscriberGatewaySubscriberBillingBroadband NetworkPortalInternetAAA Module