AG 2100Introduction 11Bandwidth ManagementThe NSE optimizes bandwidth by limiting bandwidth usage symmetrically or asymmetricallyon a per device (MAC address/User) basis, and manages WAN Link traffic to providecomplete bandwidth management over the entire network. You can ensure that every user has aquality experience by placing a bandwidth ceiling on each device accessing the network, soevery user gets a fair share of the available bandwidth.With the Nomadix Information and Control Console (ICC) feature enabled, subscribers canincrease or decrease their own bandwidth dynamically (by the minute, or on an hourly, daily,weekly, or monthly basis), and also adjust the pricing plan for their service (see graphic).Bridge ModeBridge Mode allows complete and unconditional access to devices. When Bridge Mode isenabled, your NSE-powered product is effectively transparent to the network in which it islocated.The NSE forwards any and all packets (except those addressed to the NSE network interface).The packets are unmodified and can be forwarded in both directions. The Bridge Modefunction is a very useful feature when troubleshooting your entire network, as it allowsadministrators to effectively “remove” your product from the network without physicallydisconnecting the unit.Information and Control Console (ICC)Bandwidth selection(pull down)