A CCESS GATEWAYSystem Administration 1371. From the Web Management Interface, click on Configuration, then User Agent Filtering.The User Agent Filtering Settings screen appears:2. Enable User-Agent Filtering to use the filtering capabilities for the User-Agents.3. Add the names of the different User-Agents that you want to filter to the HTTP User-Agent name field. Windows Update and Apple iTunes are default filtered Agents.Zone MigrationZone migration is an expansion of the NSE’s “re-login after migration” capability, whichcurrently allows the system to force a subscriber to log in again if the subscriber moves fromone port location to another. Zone migration significantly expands this capability via thefollowing means: It allows the creation of multiple zones, which are then constituted by groupings ofmultiple port locations. These groupings can be made up of any combination ofdesired ports (port values do not have to be sequential in order to be grouped within agiven zone). The re-login requirement can then be configured so that subscribers can move fromone port to another within a zone without being required to re-login. However, whenmoving between ports in different zones, the re-login requirement is enforced. It is also possible to configure a zone so that migration between ports within the zonerequires the user to re-login. In addition, the re-login after migration function was previously limited to RADIUSand PMS users. This capability has now been extended to other subscriber logintypes.